Oil Gauging Long Tapes
- Chrome Clad® for dark (heavy oils)
- Nubian® for light (clear oils)
- “Double Duty” oil gauging tapes with both Chrome Clad® and Nubian® (black) for dark (heavy) and light (clear) oils.
- Made of heavy gauge ½ in. (13mm) x .012 in. (0.3mm) steel
- Snap-swivel hook on front end of tape for a plumb bob
- Two arm reels for short lengths; four arms reels for 30m/100 ft. lengths
- Large drums and winding handles for quick and easy rewinding
- Handle folds over for storage and to lock line at extended position
Atlas Chrome Clad®/Nubian® Double Duty
- Black markings bonded to steel and recessed beneath multiple layers of nickel and chrome electroplating provides greater resistance to wear and corrosion.
- All tapes read right to left
- Heavy-duty frame designed for years of rugged use
Atlas Chrome Clad®
- Black markings bonded to steel and recessed beneath multiple layers of nickel and chrome electroplating provides greater resistance to wear and corrosion.
- All tapes read right to left
- Heavy-duty frame designed for years of rugged use
Atlas Nubian®
- Ideal for gauging clear oils
- Etched background
- Blade protected by flowed-on epoxy coating
- Raised bright steel markings are clearly legible
- All tapes read right to left except for the 3/8 in. x 50 ft. which reads left to right
Atlas Stainless Steel-Type 316
- Designed for use in highly corrosive solutions
- Stainless steel blade resists corrosion
- Heavy-duty frame designed for years of rugged use
D1 Chrome Clad® and Nubian®
- ½ in. width only
- Markings one side only
- Graduated instantaneous feet and inches to 1/8ths
D2 Chrome Clad® and Nubian®
- ½ in. width only
- Markings one side only
- Graduated in feet to 1/10ths and 1/100ths of an inch; reads right to left
D3 Chrome Clad® and Nubian®
- ½ in./13mm width only
- Markings both sides
- Graduated in millimeters on one side; other side instantaneous feet and inches to 1/8ths
D4 Chrome Clad®, Nubian® and Stainless Steel
- ½ in. and 3/8 in. width (3/8 in. width Nubian® only)
- Markings one side only
- Graduated feet and inches to 1/8ths; instantaneous foot readings
D5 Nubian®
- ½ in. width only
- Nubian® blade
- Markings one side only
- Graduated feet and inches to 1/8ths; instantaneous foot readings
D6 Chrome Clad®
- ½ in./13 mm width
- Chrome Clad® blade
- Black and red markings on metric side
- Metric – graduated meters to millimeters; numbered right to left in meters and millimeters
- English side – graduated feet and inches to 1/8ths; numbered right to left
Inage Oil Plumb Bobs
Outage Oil Plumb Bob
- 15-ounce, square shaped solid brass bob
- Eye milled from solid brass block (not removable)
- ¾ in./19mm square, 6 in./152mm overall length
- Graduated in inches to 1/16ths top to bottom, zero falls inside top of hook eye
Steel Tape Line Accuracy
Lufkin steel tapes are made to government standards. Our bench standards for the Unites States are certified accurate by the United States Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, and Washington D.C. Tapes for Canada are made to Canadian government standards.
Temperature standard for steel tapes is 68°F, which equals 20°C. Coefficient of expansion of steel tapes is 0.000645 foot per degree F; 0.0000116 foot per degree C. This amounts to 0.000645 foot or 0.00774 inch per degree F. on a 100-foot tape, and one-half as much on a 50-foot tape. As a figure that is reasonably accurate and also easy to handle, it is customary on very long runs of pipe to allow 1/10” per 100 feet for each 10° change.
The above illustration shows, for a 100-foot tape, the actual length variations of temperature within the range of 20° below to 120° above zero F. The terminal graduation on the lower edge is at 68°, this being standard temperature. Furnished only when specified and at additional cost. Standard tension for steel tapes 25 to 100’ long (10 to 30m) supported entire length on a horizontal, flat surface, is 10 pounds (4.5 kg.); for all tapes over 100’, 20 lbs., (9kg.). For steel tapes suspended horizontally and supported only at ends, there can be no set or standard tension for accuracy because of weight and other variations.
The following listings are averages of many tests made by the Bureau of Standards of Lufkin steel tapes supported ends only. These averages are taken from the experience of tests and should be used as a working basis only, and not to replace the test of any individual tape. All tape lengths are 100’.
width type inches | kind of tape | tension of accuracy thru-out in ibs | supported ends only in ibs |
1/4 | chain tapes | 10 | 24 |
1/4 | engineer's(.012") tapes | 10 | 18 |
1/4 | engineer's extra heavy tapes | 10 | 24 |
3/8 &1/2 | standerd weight tapes | 10 | 18 |
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