

Oil and gas are the vital aspects of the world economy. For nearly 80 years, Bestolife has served the petroleum industry as the premiere thread compound manufacturer, dedicated to producing the finest quality products for every situation.

Bestolife founder I.H. Grancell created the first thread compound to combat galling, seizing and downhole makeup. Grancell named his compound ‘Bestolife 270® - and it quickly became the premiere thread compound throughout oil patch.

From that successful compound, Bestolife moved to create specific solutions for other unique environments. Bestolife created C-55® for percussion rock drilling, and the innovation didn’t stop there. From metallic compounds for extreme pressure and temperature to metal-free compounds to meet environmental regulations, Bestolife maintains to this day a diverse line-up of superior products – each ready to make a difference on your next project.

The motto at Bestolife has remained constant since the 1930s: No matter the drilling condition, Bestolife has the solution.

Bestolife Products

We distribute products to meet the needs of drilling, production, and industrial applications, along with a host of miscellaneous support products. Please click on any of the products category below to see more details and specifications.

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We are open to discussion on the way you might like to structure the deal, payment plans or what you might have in mind.

To talk to us about your requirements now, please contact:

Naing Win
General Manager
+65 6505-9200

Alternatively, just fill up our Enquiry Form on the right and we will be in touch with you by the next working day.