Billy Pugh

Life Floats

Float Free Links:


Float Free Links 1 to 10 PERSON FLOAT. 1 oz.


Float Free Links 11 to 20 PERSON FLOAT. 1 oz.


Float Free Links 21 or MORE PERSON FLOAT. 1 oz.

Life Float Products:


Life Float – 6 Person

BPC life floats are the “best in the business”. They are manufactured with a hard outer shell and a Urethane inner core. All of our floats include black polypropylene life and pendant line and a nylon basket. Mildew, Rot and Sunlight resistant they are sealed, long lasting and have a five year warranty. The can re-rigged in the field.

63 lbs; 54” x 39” x 11”


Life Float – 12 Person

BPC life floats are the “best in the business”. They are manufactured with a hard outer shell and a Urethane inner core. All of our floats include a nylon basket and black polypropylene rope which is Mildew, Rot and Sunlight resistant. They have a five year warranty and can re-rigged in the field.

95 lbs; 77” x 47” x 12”

Life Float Launchers:


Life Float Launcher

Our life float launchers provide an easy and quick method for launching our life floats. Life float launcher comes in Aluminum or Steel for 6 or 12 Person.

Material: Aluminum, Steel

Personnel: 6 Person, 8 Person.

Life Float Accessories:


Life Float Painter

Keep your painter line out of the sun and ready when needed. Comes with 150 ft. of nylon in a PVC container. Available in either 1/4" or 1/2" rope.

NYLON LINE CONFORMS TO USCG 117.175 (3)(i)(ii)(iii)(iv).

150’ x 1/4" Weight: 3 lbs. 150’ x 1/2" Weight: 4 lbs.


Life Float Release Bracket, comes in aluminum or steel. Built for a 6 or 12 person capacity.

Aluminum 6 person: 75 lbs. Aluminum 12 person: 100 lbs.

Material: Aluminum

Steel Personnel: 6 Person 8 Person

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We are open to discussion on the way you might like to structure the deal, payment plans or what you might have in mind.

To talk to us about your requirements now, please contact:

Naing Win
General Manager
+65 6505-9200

Alternatively, just fill up our Enquiry Form on the right and we will be in touch with you by the next working day.